Array Emanuel Ungaro store, avenue Montaigne, Paris

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Hotels in the neighborhood

41 Avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie, 75008 Paris, France Hotel de Sers
The Hotel de Sers captures the best of the Paris experience. A rare place where elegance and style meet, just minutes from the iconic Champs-Elysées and the George V avenue.

7 rue Brey - 75017 Paris Hotel Tivoli Etoile Paris
3 star hotel just 50 meters from the Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysees.

7 Rue du Colisée 75008 Paris O.lysee Hotel
Just 10 meters from the famous Champs Elysees, The O.lysée Hotel is a welcoming place who breaks with usual big standard hotels. It is an intimate hotel that counts only 31 rooms.

Emanuel Ungaro

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Emanuel Maffeolit Ungaro was born in Aix en Provence in France after his parents fled the fascist regime in Italy, and moved to Paris aged 22, following his father's trade of sewing. After initially working for Balenciaga and then Courrèges, he opened his own fashion house in 1965. Since then, the brand name has grown around the world and branched out into menswear and perfumes.

Ungaro is hardly a newcomer to avenue Montaigne: his first boutique here opened in 1968 and you'll find both his women's and men's collections presented here. If there's one definitive place to shop for Ungaro in Paris, it's here.

photo: JasonW

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Metro 9, 1 :
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Bus BAL, 23, 42, 73, 80, 83, 93

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