The number one web site for the Champs Elysees

Hotels Booking

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Hotels in the neighborhood

12 Rue de Marignan, 75008 Paris Hotel Marignan Elysees Paris
The 5-star Hotel Marignan Champs-Elysées, welcomes you in a historic house located between Avenue Montaigne, the Champs-Elysées and Avenue George V.

10 avenue Mac Mahon 75017 Paris Etoile Park Hotel
Just two steps from the Arc de Triomphe a majestic stone facade 3 star hotel welcomes you in the heart of Paris

7 rue Brey - 75017 Paris Hotel Tivoli Etoile Paris
3 star hotel just 50 meters from the Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysees.

  • Asian
    All the information you need about the restaurant "Asian" on avenue George V, near the Champs Elysées

  • Atelier Renault
    All the information you need about the restaurant at the Atelier Renault on the Champs Elysées in Paris

  • Bar Ladurée
    A chic meal in a designer setting, on the most beautiful avenue in the world!

  • Buddha Bar
    All the information you need about this beautiful restaurant/club in the heart of Paris.

  • Chez Clément
    All the information you need about the Chez Clément restaurant on the Champs Elysées in Paris

  • Fouquet's
    All the information you need about this most stylish restaurant in the heart of Paris

  • l'Alsace
    All you need to know about the Alsace restaurant on the Champs Elysées in Paris

  • La Fermette Marbeuf
    All the information you need about this beautiful art nouveau restaurant (and historical monument) in the heart of Paris

  • Ladurée
    Amazing, high-end cake shop in Paris. The famous 'macarons' will drive your tastebuds wild!

  • Le Boeuf Sur Le Toit
    The history and essential info for this prestigious Parisian restaurant

  • Maxim's
    All the information you need about this beautiful art nouveau restaurant in the heart of Paris

  • Montecristo Café
    All the details about the Montecristo Café on the Champs Elysées in Paris

  • Music Hall
    All the info you need about the Music Hall Restaurant in Paris, near the Champs Elysées

  • Publicis
    All the information you need about this modern restaurant and bar at the very top of the Champs Elysees in Paris

  • Zen Garden
    All the information you need about this beautiful Asian restaurant in the heart of Paris

Champs-Élysées news

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